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Editorial Board-TIJMR (ISSN 2455-0922)
Dr. Snehalkumar H. Mistry, Editor-In-Chief
Dr. Vinod B. Patel, Professor G.H.Bhakta Business Academy Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat
Dr. B.B.Tiwari, Professor (Eco,Qm,BRM), Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management, Lucknow
Dr. H.K.S. Kumar Chunduri, Faculty Member Department of Business Studies, Ibra College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Jaydip Chaudhari, Professor, G.H.Bhakta business Academy, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.
Dr. Anish Gandhi, Principal, CKPCET Surat
Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi, Professor, School of Business and Informatics, University of Gujrat, Sialkot Campus. Sialkot, Pakistan.
Prof Kamakshaiah Musunuru, Director, Social Research Insights, Hyderabad
Dr. K.S.Gupta, Chief facilitator, founder & CEO, KSG Centre for learning & Development
Dr. Keyur Nayak, Principal, Laxmi College of Commerce and Management, Sarigam, Vapi
Dr. Emmanuel Attah Kumah, Dy. Registrar, All Nations University, Ghana
Dr. Ninad Bhatt, Professor, CKPCET, Surat
Prof V M Ponniah, Professor, SRM University CHENNAI 603 203
Dr. P.R. Mahapatra, Professor, USBM Bhubaneshver
Dr. Raju Ganesh Sunder, Director, Green Heaven Institute of Management and Research, Nagpur
Dr. Ranjeet Verma, Assosicate Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies Kurukshetra Institute of Technology & Management, Kurkshetra
Dr. Radha Vyas, Faculty, Navnirman Institute of Management, Surat
Dr. Vinod B. Patel, Professor G.H.Bhakta Business Academy Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat
Dr. B.B.Tiwari, Professor (Eco,Qm,BRM), Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management, Lucknow
Dr. H.K.S. Kumar Chunduri, Faculty Member Department of Business Studies, Ibra College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Jaydip Chaudhari, Professor, G.H.Bhakta business Academy, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.
Dr. Anish Gandhi, Principal, CKPCET Surat
Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi, Professor, School of Business and Informatics, University of Gujrat, Sialkot Campus. Sialkot, Pakistan.
Prof Kamakshaiah Musunuru, Director, Social Research Insights, Hyderabad
Dr. K.S.Gupta, Chief facilitator, founder & CEO, KSG Centre for learning & Development
Dr. Keyur Nayak, Principal, Laxmi College of Commerce and Management, Sarigam, Vapi
Dr. Emmanuel Attah Kumah, Dy. Registrar, All Nations University, Ghana
Dr. Ninad Bhatt, Professor, CKPCET, Surat
Prof V M Ponniah, Professor, SRM University CHENNAI 603 203
Dr. P.R. Mahapatra, Professor, USBM Bhubaneshver
Dr. Raju Ganesh Sunder, Director, Green Heaven Institute of Management and Research, Nagpur
Dr. Ranjeet Verma, Assosicate Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies Kurukshetra Institute of Technology & Management, Kurkshetra
Dr. Radha Vyas, Faculty, Navnirman Institute of Management, Surat